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作者:聂光辉  吴俊端  唐峥华  韦波  杨莉 
单位:广西医科大学公共卫生学院 南宁 530021 
关键词:工作场所欺负 心理健康 一般自我效能感 调节作用 


Objective:To explore the moderating effect of general self-efficacy on the relationship between workplace bullying and nurses' mental health. Methods:With stratified random sampling, 450 nurses from six hospitals in Nanning of Guangxi were selected to complete questionnaire survey. Results: ①Workplace bullying negatively related to the nurs es' mental health(γ=-0.357, P<0.01); ②General self-efficacy positively related to the nurses' mental health(γ=0.480, P< 0.01); ③There was a significant interaction between workplace bullying and general self-efficacy on mental health(γ = 0.538, P<0.01). Conclusion: General self-efficacy had a positively moderate effect between workplace bullying and nurse' s mental health.


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