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作者:许有云1 2  周宵3  刘亚鹏1  邓慧华1 
单位:1 东南大学学习科学中心 南京 210096 
 南京特殊教育职业技术学院 南京 210038 
 北京师范大学心理学院 北京 100875 
关键词:学校氛围 抑郁 自我控制 


Objective:To investigate the effect of school climate on adolescents' depression, especially for a mediation effect of adolescents' self-control. Methods:Data were obtained from 431 adolescents from a senior high school, mea sured with Perceived School Climate Questionnaire, Self-Control Scale and Self-rating Depression Scale. Results:School climate not only had a direct influence on depression, but also suppressed adolescents' depression indirectly through the mediating effect of adolescents' self-control. Conclusion: Positive school climate directly reduced adoescents' depression and increased adolescents' self-control, which in turn, decreased adolescents' depression.


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