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作者:高鹏程1  杨梅2  刘雄文3  李科生1  李瑞1  肖水源2 
单位:1 湖南司法警官职业学院 长沙 410131 
 中南大学公共卫生学院社会医学系 长沙 410011 
 湖南省新开铺强制隔离戒毒所 长沙 410009 
关键词:吸毒 戒毒 定性研究 


Objective:To explore the mental process of addicts from drug use to drug abstinence, with focus on“reasons for drug use” and“how to abstain from drugs”. Methods:16 drug addicts under compulsory rehabilitation were selected, data was collected through in-depth interviews and analyzed in the method of the grounded theory. Results:①Before the drug abuse, other problems, physical or psychological problems has been existing, which may lead to drug abuse. ②Drug abuse gives rise to cognitive dissonance, that is the difference between drug taking and the harm of drug. Then the drug ad dicts often take incorrect methods to solve the imbalance. Conclusion: ①The cause of drug abuse is not only a factor in the current environment, as well as the drug curiosity, shallow ignorance of psychological factors, drug abuse behavior behind the deeper reason. ②Changing cognition and implicit cognition of drug addicts is the breakthrough of psychological treat ment of drug abuse.


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