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作者:郑昕月1  玄莉1  杨露露1  姚树桥2  肖晶1 
单位:1 北京市学习与认知重点实验室 首都师范大学教育学院心理系 北京 100037 
 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所 长沙 410011 
关键词:功能失调性态度 日常应激 抑郁症状 维度 调节作用 


Objective:To investigate the role of daily hassles in the relationship between dysfunctional attitude and de pressive symptoms in college students. Methods:361 females and 174 males were recruited and asked to complete the Dys functional Attitude Scale, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, and General Social and Academic Hassles Scale. Results:①The Dysfunctional Attitude, depressive symptoms and daily hassles had significant positive correlation (P<0.01). ②Daily Hassel(β=0.612, P<0.05) and its dimensions of social hassles(β=0.682, P<0.01) and perceived general hassles(β=0.559, P<0.05) had a significant moderating effect on the relationship between the Dysfunctional Attitude and de pressive symptoms. Conclusion:The dysfunctional attitude not only has a direct effect on the depressive symptoms, on which Daily hassles may exert an important moderating effect.


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