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作者:黄任之1 2  任孝鹏1  佘丽珍2  黄敏3 
单位:1. 中国科学院心理研究所 北京 100101 
 湖南第一师范学院教科系 长沙 410205 
 四川邻水第二中学 广安 638500 
关键词:独立自我 依存自我 城乡差异 

目的:检验自我独立性的城乡差异。方法:采用个人主义-集体主义问卷、框架直线任务、内隐社会取向问卷、归因偏差和象征性自我膨胀作为研究工具,对114名城市青年和115名农村青年实施问卷调查。结果:农村青年样本在水平的个人主义分量表(2.78±0.80 vs 2.59±0.63)和个人主义维度上(3.24±0.69 vs 3.08±0.57)的得分显著地高于城市青年样本的得分,而在垂直的集体主义分量表(3.11±0.68 vs 3.23±0.75)、四个场景中的社会判断的个人特征得分、自我象征性膨胀的直径比率(1.17±0.40 vs 0.88±0.43)以及积极分离情绪(自尊:3.29±0.31 vs 2.99±0.32和自豪:3.20±0.47 vs 2.43±0.56)和消极分离情绪上(沮丧感:3.50±0.30 vs 2.90±0.66和愤怒:3.18±0.41 vs 2.41±0.77),城市青年样本显著地高于农村青年样本。结论:城市青年比农村青年的独立性更强。

Objective: To explore whether there were urban-rural differences on independent self. Methods: A series of questionnaires including individualism-collectivism scale, dispositional bias in attribution, symbolic self-inflation and propensity to experience disengaging versus engaging emotions were applied to 114 urban and 115 rural residents. Results: The rural youth scored significantly higher than the urban youth on the subscale of horizontal individualism(2.78± 0.80 vs 2.59±0.63) and the dimension of individualism(3.24±0.69 vs 3.08±0.57), while scored lower than the urban youth on the vertical collectivism(3.11±0.68 vs 3.23±0.75), personal characteristics of the four scenes of social attribution, the ration of symbolic self-inflation(1.17±0.40 vs 0.88±0.43), the disengaging positive emotions(self-esteem: 3.29±0.31 vs 2.99± 0.32; pride in self: 3.20±0.47 vs 2.43±0.56) and disengaging positive emotions(frustration: 3.50±0.30 vs 2.90±0.66; anger: 3.18±0.41 vs 2.41±0.77). Conclusion: In China, independent self is higher in urban than rural.


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