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作者:余秋梅1  张锋2 
单位:1. 昆明学院教师教育学院 昆明 650214 
 宁波大学心理学系 宁波 315211 
关键词:个人理论 性别刻板印象 注意资源 认知负荷 

目的:考察个人理论对性别刻板印象相关信息注意加工的调节机制。方法:翻译修订Levy等人编制的内隐个人理论测验(Implicit Person Theory Measure)作为研究筛选实验被试的工具,通过自编问卷确定实验材料,通过反应时范式考察个人理论对性别刻板印象相关信息注意分配的调节作用。结果:在高认知负荷条件下,实体论者将更多的注意资源分配于对与其刻板印象一致性信息的加工,而动态论者将更多的注意资源分配于对与其刻板印象不一致性信息的加工;在低认知负荷条件下,实体论者与动态论者对不同类型行为信息的注意分配不存在差异。结论:实体论者与动态论者对基于性别刻板印象行为信息的加工机制不同。

Objective: To explore the moderating effect of person theory on the attention processing on gender stereotype information. Methods: Implicit Person Theory Measure was translated and revised, which was used to screen the parcipants.and a self-administered questionnaire was applied to determine the experimental material. Results: Under high cognitive load, entity theorists allocated more attention to consistent information than to inconsistent information, whereas incremental theorists allocated more attention to inconsistent information than to consistent information. There were no significant differences of attention allocation for either entity theorists or incremental theorists in the low load condition. Conclusion: Person theory may influence the attentional processing on the gender stereotype information under high cognitive load conditions.


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