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作者:冯宇  段文杰 
单位:武汉大学社会学系  武汉 430072 
关键词:学校正念干预 形式 特点 正念 积极教育 


School-Based Mindfulness Intervention is a kind of intervention technique which applying the theory and practice of mindfulness to campus environment. Mindfulness practice and intervention can take various forms, depending on the needs of the individuals and the contexts in which these persons' function. Currently, there are five forms of schoolbased mindfulness intervention:mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, compre-hensive mindfulness intervention therapy, adolescent professional mindfulness program and traditional school psychological health curriculum. There are three main characteristics of the school-based mindfulness:the group as a form of interven-tion; the diversity of intervention programs; the complexity of the curriculum instructor. In future research, scholars should further explore how to ensure the accuracy of the implementation of school mindfulness intervention and how to promote the use of school-based mindfulness intervention.


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