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作者:陈梁杰  蔡诗涵  张媛  王一凡  张春雨 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 
关键词:状态-特质好奇 中国大学生 测量分析 

目的:对状态-特质好奇量表(A State-Trait Curiosity Inventory,STCI)中文版进行修订并考察其在中国大学生群体中的适用性。方法:以状态-特质好奇量表中文版、中国版大学生感觉寻求问卷、学习动机量表以及中国大五人格问卷简式版为研究工具,对534名中国大学生施测,并对82人四周后进行重测。结果:①验证性因素分析显示,各分量表的单因素模型拟合程度较好,CFI,IFI,TLI,GFI值均大于0.90,RMSEA值均小于0.08,SRMR值均小于0.05,χ2/df值均小于4。②状态好奇分量表和特质好奇分量表的Cronbach α系数分别为0.91,0.92,重测信度分别为0.64,0.78。③STCI各分量表总分与兴奋与冒险寻求、学习内在动机、开放性的相关系数在0.21到0.70之间,均显著正相关(P<0.01)。结论:状态-特质好奇量表中文版具有较好的信效度,适宜在中国大学生群体中使用。

Objective: To assess the applicability of the State-Trait Curiosity Inventory(STCI) in Chinese university stu-dents. Methods: A total of 534 Chinese college students were tested with the State-Trait Curiosity Inventory, Sensation Seeking Scale(SSS), Working Preference Inventory(WPI), and Chinese Big Five Personality Inventory brief version(CBF-PIB), and 82 of the participants were re-tested after four weeks. Results: ①Confirmatory factor analysis showed that a onefactor model in each inventory fitted well with the data. The values of CFI, IFI, TLI, and GFI were greater than 0.90, RM-SEA<0.08, SRMR<0.05, χ2/df<4. ②The Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the State Curiosity subscale and The Trait Curios-ity subscale were 0.91 and 0.92, respectively. The coefficients of retest reliability were 0.64 and 0.78 respectively. ③The correlation coefficients between the subscale of STCI, thrill and adventure seeking, intrinsic motivation and openness were 0.21 to 0.70 respectively. Conclusion: The Chinese version of STCI is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the state and trait curiosity in the Chinese university students.


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