Objective: To develop the Interpersonal Responsibility Questionnaire(IRQ) for Chinese individuals and ex-amine its reliability and validity. Methods: Based on traditional Chinese culture, combing literature review and data of open-ended questionnaire survey, after the following content analysis, the theoretical structure frame of the IRQ came into being. According to the theoretical construct, the preliminary version of IRQ was made and tested for psychometrics suit-ableness in Chinese adults from different provinces all over the country. Results: The IRQ consisted of 29 items which fell into six dimensions, namely respect and avoidance of interference, concern and consideration, accountability for righteous-ness and offering helping, treasuring and commitment to relationship, avoidance of trouble and impairment for others and re-liability and integrity. The α coefficients of the IRQ and its sub-dimensions were between 0.698 and 0.933; the coefficients of test-retest reliability of the IRQ and its sub-dimensions were between 0.633 and 0.859. Correlation coefficients of the IRQ and its sub-dimensions were between 0.517 and 0.878, and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the structure of IRQ was reasonable. Correlation analysis indicated that IRQ and its sub-dimensions were positively correlated with consci-entiousness, agreeableness, social connectedness, prosocial tendency and three sub-dimensions of empathy, negatively cor-related with one sub-dimension of egocentrism. Conclusion: Beyond desirable measurement qualities, the Interpersonal Responsibility Questionnaire is shown to be empirically useful in further research.
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