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作者:周艳艳  任殿强  张海波 
单位:1. 锦州医科大学人文与管理学院  锦州 121000 2. 西乌珠穆沁旗富龙城镇供暖有限责任公司  锡林郭勒盟 026200 3. 兰州市公安局强制隔离戒毒所  兰州 730100 
关键词:海洛因戒断 冲突适应 ERP(Event-related potential) N2 


Objective: This research has employed electroencephalography(EEG) to investigate recovery level of the im-paired cognitive control by long-term material withdrawal as there are many studies have shown that heroin abuse leads to the damaged executive function of heroin addicts. This study intends to further explore the recovery level of cognitive func-tion of long-term heroin withdrawal and puts the "adapt" conflict as an effective indicator. Methods: In order to investigat-ed the conflict adaptation of long-term heroin abstainers, a modified equiprobability Flanker task was used to examine 17 heroin abstainers and 15 healthy controls. Results: ①Analyses revealed that all groups RT(I) were significantly longer than RT(C). ②Event-related potential(ERP) measurements showed that cI stimuli elicited larger N2 amplitudes than iI stimuli in the control group, furthermore, the N2 effect was not observed in the long-term heroin withdrawal group. ③Moreover, the scores of BIS-11(Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11) of the experimental group were markedly higher than control groups. Conclusion: The segregation phenomenon between behavioral and neural correlates suggests that long-term heroin abstain-ers can better adapt to the previous conflict which performance at reaction time, but the cognitive control function(e.g. con-flict adaptation) of long-term male heroin abstainers may be damaged by chronic heroin abuse.


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