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作者:金桂春  王有智 
单位:1. 陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 2. 天水师范学院教师教育学院  天水 741001 
关键词:心理虐待 社会支持 人格特征 攻击行为 中介作用 


Objective: To explore the relationship of childhood psychological abuse and aggression in university students, and the functionary mechanism of perceived social support and personality in this relationship. Methods: This study Investigated 1266 undergraduates by Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Questionnaire, and Aggression Questionnaire. Results: Correlation analysis showed that childhood psychological abuse,perceived social support, personality, and aggression were were significantly related with each other(P<0.01). SEM showed that childhood psychological abuse not only influenced aggressive behavior directly, but also affected aggression indirectly through perceived social support and personality, demonstrating multiple mediating effects of perceived social support and personality on the relationship between childhood psychological abuse and aggression. Conclusion: This study supports a multiple mediating model of perceived social support and personality in the relationship between childhood psychological abuse and aggression in university students.


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