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作者:费定舟  马言民 
单位:武汉大学心理学系  武汉 430072 
关键词:完美主义 抑郁 心理痛苦 焦虑 


Perfectionism has associations with a number of negative psychological outcomes. However, no consensus has been reached on the definition of perfectionism and its development trajectory. Currently, researchers tend to consider that perfectionism includes both adaptive and maladaptive components, which have different effects on individual's mental health and life quality. In addition, more and more studies have been focusing on the mechanisms of the interactions between perfectionism and negative psychological outcomes, such as distress, depression and anxiety. Finally, future research directions were discussed.


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34 James K,Verplanken B, Rimes KA. Self-criticism as a mediator in the relationship between unhealthy perfectionism and distress. Personality and Individual Differences, 2015, 79:123-128
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37 Klibert J, Lamis DA, Collins W, et al. Resilience mediates the relations between perfectionism and college student distress. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2014, 92:75-82
38 Kawamura KY, Frost RO. Self-concealment as a mediator in the relationship between perfectionism and psychological distress. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 2004, 28(2):183-191
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40 Noble CL, Ashby JS, Gnilka PB. Multidimensional perfectionism, coping, and depression:Differential prediction of depression symptoms by perfectionism type. Journal of College Counseling, 2014, 17:80-94
41 Flett GL, Galfi-Pechenkov I, Molnar DS, et al. Perfectionism, mattering, and depression:A mediational analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 2012, 52:828-832
42 王雨吟, 林锦婵, 潘俊豪. 个体认知-抑郁模型:自我怜悯、完美主义、反刍思维和抑郁的关系. 中国临床心理学杂志, 2015, 23(1):120-128
43 Sherry DL, Sherry SB, Hewitt PL, et al. The existential model of perfectionism and depressive symptoms:Tests of incremental validity, gender differences, and moderated mediation. Personality and Individual Differences, 2015, 76:104-110
44 Cha M. The mediation effect of mattering and self-esteem in the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and depression:Based on the social disconnection model. Personality and Individual Differences, 2016, 88:148-159
45 Lisa Trana L, Rimesb KA. Unhealthy perfectionism, negative beliefs about emotions, emotional suppression, and depression in students:A mediational analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 2017, 110(1):144-147
46 Moroz M, Dunkley DM. Self-critical perfectionism and depressive symptoms:Low self-esteem and experiential avoidance as mediators. Personality and Individual Differences, 2015, 87:174-179
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48 Newby J, Pitura VA, Penney AM, et al. Neuroticism and perfectionism as predictors of social anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 2017, 106:263-267
49 Gautreau CM, Sherry SB, Mushquash AR, Stewart SH. Is self-critical perfectionism an antecedent of or a consequence of social anxiety, or both? A 12-month, three-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 2015, 82:125-130
50 Levinson CA, Rodebaugh TL, Shumaker EA, Menatti AR. Perception matters for clinical perfectionism and social anxiety. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2015, 29:61-71
51 Peixoto-Plácido C, Soares MJ, Pereira AT, Macedo A. Perfectionism and disordered eating in overweight woman. Eating Behaviors, 2015, 18:76-80
52 Wang H, Li J. Positive perfectionism, negative perfectionism, and emotional eating:The mediating role of stress. Eating Behaviors, 2017, 26:45-49
53 Li X, Hou Z, Chi H, et al. The mediating role of coping in the relationship between subtypes of perfectionism and job burnout:A test of the 2×2 model of perfectionism with employees in China. Personality and Individual Differences, 2014, 58:65-70
54 Chang H, Chou Y, Liou J, Tu Y. The effects of perfectionism on innovative behavior and job burnout:Team workplace friendship as a moderator. Personality and Individual Differences, 2016, 96:260-265
55 Wang KT, Slaney RB, Rice KG. Perfectionism in Chinese university students from Taiwan:A study of psychological well-being and achievement motivation. Personality and Individual Differences, 2007, 42:1279-1290


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