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作者:张光珍  王娟娟  梁宗保  邓慧华 
单位:儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室/东南大学儿童发展与教育研究所  南京 210096 
关键词:初中生 生活事件 心理弹性 


Objective: To examine the relationship between life events and resilience in adolescents. Methods: Four hundred and forty-two adolescents who were followed up for two years reported experienced stressful life events and resilience. Results: ①Life events were negatively correlated with resilience concurrently at Time 1, Time 2 and Time 3; ②After controlling for the stability of life events and resilience, resilience at Time 1 significantly predicted life events at Time 2, and resilience at Time 2 significantly predicted life events at Time 3. Conclusion: Adolescents' resilience has indirect effect on the occurrence of life events.


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