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作者:江夏  赵必华 
单位:安徽师范大学教育科学学院  芜湖 241000 
关键词:独处能力 独处偏好 积极情感 大学生 


Objective: To investigate the moderating role of the ability to be alone on the relationship between preference for solitude and positive affection in college students. Methods: 447 college students were investigated with Preference for Solitude Scale, the Ability to be Alone Scale, and Positive Affection Scale. Results: Preference for solitude was negatively correlated with positive affection. The ability to be alone moderated the relationship between preference for solitude and positive affection. Preference for solitude was negatively associated with positive affection at the lower level of the ability to be alone, but such association was not significant at the higher level of the ability to be alone. Conclusion: The ability to be alone weakens the negative effect of preference for solitude on positive affection.


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