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作者:周怡  戴利莎  邓云龙 
单位:中南大学湘雅三医院心身健康研究所  长沙 410013 
关键词:健康焦虑 元认知 医学生 


Objective: To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Metacognitions about Health Anxiety Questionnaire (MCQ-HA) in Chinese medical students. Methods: 919 freshman to senior medical students were asked to complete the the Metacognitions about Health Anxiety Questionnaire,Short Health Anxiety Inventory and the Metacognitions Questionnaire. After two weeks,268 students were followed to complete the Metacognitions about Health Anxiety Questionnaire. Results: The exploratory factor analysis showed that MCQ-HA consisted of three factor, accounting for 47.223% of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis identified a three factor model. NFI=0.916, IFI=0.960, CFI=0.960, TLI=0.950, RMSEA=0.041. Reliability coefficients of the three dimensions and total score ranged from 0.641-0.788, and the test-retest reliability ranged from 0.501-0.742. Conclusion: The Chinese Version of the Metacognitions about Health Anxiety Questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument in Medical Students.


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