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作者:艾丽欣  王英春 
单位:北京体育大学  北京 100084 
关键词:主动性人格 自我决定动机 教练员-运动员关系 中介作用 


Objective:This study is to explore the influence of athletes'proactive personality and self-determined moti-vation on the coach-athlete relationship. Methods:302 professional athletes were recruited in this study. Results:①Pro-active personality was positively correlated with coach-athlete relationship and self-determined motivation; self-deter-mined motivation and coach-athlete relationship had a significant positive correlation. ②Self-determined motivation play a partial intermediary role between proactive personality and coach-athlete relationship. The mediating effect accounted for 18.92% of the total effect. Conclusion:Athletes'self-determined motivation plays an intermediary role between the pro-active personality and coach-athlete relationship.


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