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作者:李杨  樊富珉 
单位:1. 埃森哲(中国)有限公司北京分公司  北京 100102 2. 清华大学心理系  北京 100084 


Objective:To explore how document, sharing and feedback affect the positive affect. Methods:156 college students were randomly assigned to 4 groups. After 2 weeks intervention, the post data were collected. Results:In our study, ①only documenting positive events showed no significant change, ②the candidates who documented positive events daily and got the positive feedback from anonymous peers experienced more positive emotion. ③And at the same time, the emotion of the peer who read the shared positive events and provided the positive feedback could also be improved. Conclusion:Thus the anonymous communication on the positive events helps not only the candidates who share their private good things but the feedback providers, which marks this communication a win-win process.


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