Objective:To explore the generational difference of community workers'work values and relationship with job satisfaction from the perspective of generation difference. Methods:The questionnaire method was used to select work values and job satisfaction scales to investigate in Hunan and Shandong provinces, etc. A total of 500 questionnaires were issued, and 402 effective questionnaires were returned. Results:①The five dimensions, arranged in decending order of im-portance to work values are:external worth, inner worth, family & life, social status, lower working pressure; ②There is a significant difference in the work values of community workers in terms of gender, position, marital status(P<0.05). ③ There are significant generational differences in work values of community workers except for family & life. ④Correlation analysis showed that work values had significant positive correlations with job satisfaction(P<0.05). ⑤The intergeneration plays a significant moderating role in the inner value dimension, the external value dimension and the job satisfaction of the work values of community workers. Conclusion:①For the community workers, they pay more attention to the salary and welfare and values of self-realization than to the social status and the ease of work. ②The more community workers pay at-tention to the intrinsic values of work, the higher their job satisfaction is. ③Compared to the 90, the intrinsic values and ex-trinsic values of the 60 community workers have a stronger predictive function on job satisfaction.
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