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作者:邓远平  黄仁辉  周海琳  陈莉  陈宛豫 
单位:1. 集美大学教师教育学院  厦门 361021 2. 宜春学院心理教育中心  宜春 336600 3. 温州医学院应用心理系  温州 325000 4. 福建师范大学教育学院  福州 350100 


Objective:To develop migrant workers'social identity management strategies scale(MWSIMSS) and test its validity and reliability. Methods:According to a literature study and semi-structured interviews with 7 migrant workers, this study defined the construct of MWSIMSS and compiled the preliminary scale. Exploratory factor analysis and confirma-tory factor analysis and correlation analysis were used to determine the final scale. Results:MWSIMSS had 15 items and four dimentions:Individual mobility, Social competition, Social Creativity and Compromise; The test-retest reliabilities were 0.659~0.749 and the Cronbach α coefficients were 0.601~0.727 for the 4 subscales. The result of CFA(χ2=149.95, df=84, RMSEA=0.06, GFI=0.92, AGFI=0.88, CFI=0.93, NNFI=0.92) indicated that the model fitted the data with well con-struct validity, Migrant workers'Willingness to be Urban Citizens were positively correlated with individual mobility, nega-tively correlated with Social Creativity and Compromise, and not relevant to Social competition. Conclusion:MWSIMSS has good psychometric indexes, and can be used to measure Chinese migrant workers'social identity management strate-gies.


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