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作者:陈罡  王芙蓉  雷潇 
单位:国防科技大学文理学院  长沙 410073 


Objective:To investigate the characteristics and influencing factors of military loyalty in chinese soldiers. Methods:Using the Chinese Soldier Loyalty Questionnaire, the whole group sampling method was used to investigate 1073 military members from on-the-job training courses of 4 military academies and eight troops. Results:The scores of total loyalty score and emotional loyalty, standardized loyalty and continued loyalty, ranged from 3.38 to 4.82. From the view of the object of loyalty, loyalty score to the party, the country and people is the highest, loyalty to unit is the second, loyalty to the leaders and loyalty to profession is the lowest. From the Angle of loyalty factor, the standard of loyalty level is the high-est, Continued loyalty scores were lowest. Social support was positively correlated with the loyalty score of the unit(r=0.397, P<0.001), and the special life of military brigade was negatively correlated with the loyalty score of the leading and leading group members(r=-0.358, P<0.001). Conclusion:The overall loyalty level of chinese soldiers is moderate, which is influ-enced by social support, work-family conflict, special life of military service and other factors significantly.


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