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作者:黄嘉欣  黄亮 
单位:广东财经大学工商管理学院  广州 510320 


Objective:To investigate the relationship between individual relative deprivation and emotional exhaustion of the Non-profit organization employee, and to examine the mediating effect of psychological contract violation. Methods:Totally 477 non-profit organization employees were surveyed using the scale of individual relative deprivation, emotional exhaustion and psychological contract violation. Results:Individual relative deprivation was positively related to emotional exhaustion of the non-profit organization employee. Psychological contract violation partially mediated the relationship be-tween individual relative deprivation and emotional exhaustion. Conclusion:Chinese non-profit organization employees' individual relative deprivation is one of the predictor of their emotional exhaustion, while organizational psychological con-tract violation transmits the effect of relative deprivation to emotional exhaustion.


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