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作者:徐云  张宇慧 
单位:浙江工业大学教育科学与技术学院  杭州 310023 


Objective:To explore the relations among family cohesion, adaptability, parenting locus of control and the behavior problems of children with autism. Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted among 420 parents of autistic children using PLOC(The Parenting Locus of Control Scale) and FACES(Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale) and Con-ners PSQ(Conners Parent Symptom Questionnaire). Results:Family adaptability and cohesion significantly negative pre-dicted the behavioral problems of children with autism. Parenting locus of control significantly forward predicted the behav-ioral problems of children with autism. Parenting locus of control is a mediating variable between the family cohesion/adapt-ability and children's behavior problems. Conclusion:Family cohesion and adaptability not only directly affect the behav-ior of autistic children, but also indirectly influence children's behavior through parenting locus of control.


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