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作者:李苏蓉  陈萍  刘鹏  王明辉 
单位:河南大学心理与行为研究所  开封 475004 


Objective: To explore the role of work family conflicts between psychological detachment from work and life satisfaction prison police. Methods: Questionnaire survey was conducted among 238 prison polices by using psychological detachment scale, satisfaction with life scale and work family conflicts scale in Henan province. Results: Psychological detachment was negatively correlated with work-family conflict (P<0.01), and positively correlated with life satisfaction (P<0.01). Work-family conflict was significantly positively correlated with family-work conflict (P<0.01), and both were significantly negatively correlated with life satisfaction (P<0.01). Psychological detachment positively predicted life satisfaction (P<0.01), in which work-family conflict, but not family-work conflict, played a complete mediation role (the mediating effect accounted for 44% of the total effect). Conclusion: Psychological detachment influences life satisfaction completely through the mediating effect of work-family conflict.


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