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作者:曾旻  周宵  伍新春  陈杰灵 
单位:1. 北京师范大学心理学院  应用实验心理北京市重点实验室  北京 100875 2. 以色列特拉维夫大学社会工作学院  I-Core重大创伤研究中心  以色列特拉维夫 6997801 


Objective: To explore the relationship among trauma exposures, control beliefs and posttraumatic stress disorder. Methods: At 2 time pionts, 1 year and 1.5 years after Wenchuan earthquake, 497 students of seven secondary schools in the worst-hit areas participated in this investigation. Results: At the first time point, both subjective and objective trauma exposure was positively correlated with on PTSD, while control beliefs was negatively correlated with PTSD. Primary control negatively moderated the relationships between objective exposure and PTSD at one year after earthquake. At the second time point, objective trauma exposure was positively correlated with PTSD, whereas subjective exposure and control belief had no effect on PTSD. Secondary control negatively moderated the relationship between subjective exposure and PTSD. Conclusion: Control belief has time-varied moderateing effects on the relationship between trauma exposure and PTSD.


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