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作者:杨丽  李敬敏  刘海玲  程诚 
单位:1. 天津大学教育学院  天津 300072 2. 天津大学应用心理研究所  天津 300072 

目的:在自杀人际理论框架下,探讨大学生精神病态和自杀意念间的关系。方法:采用精神病态自评量表(简版)、人际需要问卷和Beck自杀意念量表对550名大学生进行集体施测,用SPSS 20.0和Mplus 7.0进行数据分析。结果:归属受挫和累赘感知均部分中介了精神病态两维度与自杀意念间的关系。结论:精神病态水平高的个体更容易遭受人际困扰,进而产生归属受挫,感到是他人负担,从而影响自杀意念。

Objective: To explore the relationship between psychopathy and suicidal ideation in undergraduate students through the lens of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Methods: Self-Report Psychopathy Scale-Short Form-Chinese Version (SRP-SF-CV), Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire-Chinese Version (INQ-CV), and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation-Chinese Version (SSI-CV) were administrated to 550 undergraduate students. Results: Both thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness partially mediated the relationships between the two components of psychopathy and suicidal ideation. Conclusion: The individuals with higher psychopathy trait are inclined to suffer interpersonal distresses, which makes them belongingness thwarted and perceive burdensomeness, and in turn, influences the level of suicide ideation.


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