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作者:姚海娟  李庆兰  张云平 
单位:1. 天津商业大学法学院心理学系  天津 300134 2. 浙江师范大学教师教育学院心理系  金华 321004 3. 天津商业大学高职与继续教育学院  天津 300134 


Objective: To explore the effect of two presentation types of lie detection problem (voice presentation and text presentation) on the autonomous physiological responses in a Concealed Information Test (CIT). Methods: 30 healthy college students were asked to complete a mock-crime experiment with a CIT, and then either questioned acoustically by a pre-recorded male voice or by a text field on the screen. Electrodermal activity (EDA) and phasic heart rate (pHR) were registered by using the 16 channel physiological recorder. Results: ①The responses of EDA and pHR to probe central items were greater than those of irrelevant items; ②The responses of pHR to probe central items were greater in the voice condition than in the text condition, but the responses of EDA did not differ between conditions. Conclusion: Voice as social stimuli enhances physiological responding in the Concealed Information Test.


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