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作者:毛晋平1  唐晨2 
单位:1. 湖南师范大学教科院  长沙 410081 
 长沙市一中岳麓中学  长沙 410006 
关键词:诚信型领导 职业倦怠 心理资本 中小学教师 


Objective: The purpose of this article was to explore the relationship between the authentic leadership jobburnout and the mediating of psychological capital in such relationship in primary and secondary school teachers.Methods: 404 primary and secondary school teachers were investigated using the Authentic Leadership Scale,Psychological Capital Questionnaire and Job Burnout Scale.Results: ① Authentic leadership was positively correlated with psychological capitals and negatively correlated with job burnout.② Psychological capital psychological capital acted as the mediator between authentic leadership and teacher job burnout.Conclusion: Psychological capital partially mediates the relationship between the authentic leadership and job burnout IN primary and secondary school teachers.


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