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作者:范兴华  何苗  陈锋菊 
单位:湖南第一师范学院教科院  长沙 410205 
关键词:留守儿童 父母关爱 孤独感 希望 


Objective: To investigate the role of hope in the relationship between parental care and loneliness in left-behind children in rural China.Methods: 1037 rural children in Hunan Province were assessed by Parental Care Questionnaire,Loneliness Questionnaire,and Hope Scale.Results: After controlling for gender,parental care negatively predicted loneliness,which was not only partially mediated but also moderated by hope.Specifically,the essence of the moderation was that with the improvement of hope,the effect of parental care on loneliness was decreased.Conclusion: Improving the left-behind children's hope may effectively counter or buffer the adverse effect of inefficient parental care on their loneliness.


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