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作者:柯铭1  曹照1  李质婧1  杨晓萍2 
单位:1. 兰州理工大学计算机与通信学院  兰州 730050 
 兰州军区总医院影像诊断中心  兰州 730000 
关键词:功能网络 核磁共振 Pearson相关 相继故障 


Objective: To explore the changes of function of the human brain in GTCS by using complex network cascading failure algorithm.Methods: The resting-state fMRI data of 15 GTCS and 15 age-mathced normal volunteers were modeled,using cascading failure to attack the important nodes,in order to explore the changes of function in patients with epilepsy.Results: Compared with the normal group,GTCS patients showed functional changes,that the scale of the cascading failures in the attack on the important nodes was larger than normal group,in the attack on the unimportant nodes showed stronger robust than the normal group.Conclusion: Abnormal brain function may ben implicated in patients with epilepsy.


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13 刘光耀, 杨晓萍, 张喆, 等. 原发性全面强直阵孪癫痫全脑比率低频振幅的静息态 fMR研究. 中国临床医学影像杂志, 2013, 24(9):609-612
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