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作者:吴晓刚  施亮  李乐源  张炎炎  潘发达 
单位:南通大学教育科学学院  南通 226007 
关键词:返回抑制 情绪 盲目机制 


Objective: Two experiments was conducted to investigate whether emotional stimulus process influenced the Inhibition of Return (IOR).Methods: Adopting a classic cue-target paradigm (experiment 1) and a modified cue-target paradigm (experiment 2) combined with Event-Related Potentials (ERPs),participants were asked to finish the emotional discrimination task.Results: In experiment 1,there was no significant interaction between IOR and emotion valence.However,comparing with the invalid cues condition,in the cued condition it showed larger amplitude occurring on N1,and a smaller one on N170 in both experiments.Conclusion: The effect of IOR may not be influenced by explicitly emotional process,relecting that IOR is separated from emotional process.


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