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Empathy: Meta-analysis of the Face Image Paradigm and the Body Part Image Paradigm
作者:DONG Dai-feng  WU Qiong  YAO Shu-qiao 
单位:Medical Psychological Institute  Second Xiangya Hospital  Central South University  Changsha 410011  China 
关键词:Empathy  Facial expressions  Body part  Meta-analysis 

目的:比较两种共情范式的神经生理机制的差异。方法:通过检索PubMed和Web of science等数据库,要求①研究正常成年人的共情能力的fMRI研究;②采用Talairach或者MNI系统报告脑区,且能从原文中获得完整的数据;③采用基于面部图片的范式和基于肢体部分图片的范式中的任意一种。对符合需要的22篇基于身体部分图片范式的文章和21篇基于面部图片范式的文章使用Ginger 2.3软件计算共情的脑区激活似然(ALE)估计值,得到脑区分布。结果:两种不同的共情对比结果显示,基于身体部分图片的共情范式显著激活了左侧顶下小叶部分,而基于面孔图片的范式则显著激活了额中回区域。结论:基于身体部分图片的共情范式中共情反应的产生可能是一个自动化的过程,需要较少的认知努力,而基于面孔图片的范式中的共情反应的产生则需要更多的认知努力。

Objective: To compare the neural substrate between two empathy paradigms.Methods: Literatures in PubMed and Web of Science were reviewed with these requirements ① exploring the neural mechanisms of empathy by fMRI techniques,and healthy adult subjects were included ② using the Talairach or MNI coordinates to report the activated brain regions,and the complete data could be attached ③ using either the facial expressions paradigm or the body image paradigm to measure the empathy.Calculate ALE value of included 22 articles using the body image paradigm and 21articles using the facial expressions paradigm through the ginger ALE 2.3,and attain the brain map.Results: The left inferior parietal lobule were significantly activated for observing the facial expressions minus observing body part images;the right middle temporal gyrus were significantly activated for observing the body images minus observing facial expressions.Conclusion: The empathic responses when observing body part images might automatic generated,and the generation of empathic responses when observing facial expressions might employed more cognitive efforts.


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