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作者:沈潘艳1 2 3  辛勇2 3  兰继军1 
单位:1. 陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 
 西南科技大学法学院  绵阳 621010 
 四川绵阳未成年人心理成长指导与研究中心  绵阳 621010 
关键词:公众污名 自我污名 内隐 刻板解释偏差 


Objective: To explore whether the famous university students have implicit public stigma to the general college candidate' working ability,and explore whether the general college students have implicit self-stigma to themselves.Methods: 106 students from the famous university and 81 students from the general college finished the Stereotypic Explanatory Bias Questionnaires.Results: Both students from the famous university and general college made more explanation for the positive behaviors of the general college candidate.For the candidates who graduated from the general college,the participants were inclined to attribute their positive behaviors to internal factor and attribute their negative behaviors to external factor.For the candidates who graduated from the famous university,the attribution was just the opposite as those candidates from general college.Conclusion: The famous university students have implicit public stigma to the general college candidate' working ability,the general college students have implicit self-stigma to themselves.


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