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作者:刘耀中  江玉琳  窦凯 
单位:暨南大学管理学院  广州 510632 
关键词:权力感 建议采纳 建议折扣效应 反馈效价 身体姿势 


Objective: To explore the effect of power sense and feedback information valence on advice taking.Methods: The present study manipulated power by different power poses,and adopted common sense questions to control feedback valence,and a weight estimation task to measure advice taking.Results: ① The subjects with expansive,open (highpower) poses were less likely to accept others' advice than those adopting closed (low-power) poses (experiments 1 and 2);② Negative feedback informations significantly increased the degree of advice taking in powerful participants (experiment 2).Conclusion: This study suggest that the powerful is inclined to discount the advice from others,which may be moderated by the valence of feedback information.


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