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作者:马惠霞  宫然  杨琼  朱雅丽  刘瑞凝 
单位:教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  国民心理健康评估与促进协同创新中心  天津 300074 
关键词:ADHD倾向儿童 厌恶延迟 时距估计 高唤醒积极情绪 


Objective: To explore the effects of emotional valence and arousal on temporal estimation and delay aversion in children with ADHD propensity.Methods: 21 children with ADHD propensity and 21 healthy controls recruited from four primary schools in Tianjin completed choice-delay task (CDT) and verbal estimation task.The performance was recorded as temporal estimation and delay aversion.Then affective pictures with different valence and arousal effects was inserted in longer interval to investigate the effects in temporal estimation and delay aversion.Results: Compared to healthy controls,children with ADHD propensity tended to overestimate the interval and presented delay aversion;compared to negative emotions,positive emotions,especially high arousal positive emotions reduced temporal estimation and delay aversion in children with ADHD propensity.Conclusion: Children with ADHD propensity tend to Temporal overestimate and delay aversion in children with ADHD propensity may be affected by positive emotional state.


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