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作者:曹慧1  毛亚庆1  陈瑛华1  杨传利1  陈一笛2 
单位:1. 北京师范大学教育学部  北京 100875 
 北京林业大学心理学系  北京 100083 
关键词:经验性回避 西部农村地区 心理健康 情绪 小学生 


Objective: To test the construct validation of Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Ⅱ(AAQ-Ⅱ) which is used to measure the experiential avoidance in primary school students. This study also investigated the association of experiential avoidance with mental health, and the mediating role of emotion in this relationship. Methods: Cross-lagged research was carried out among 632 primary school students in Western China. At the beginning of a semester, experiential avoidance, mental health and emotion were measured accordingly with Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Ⅱ, General Health Questionnaire-12, and Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale, respectively. At the end of this semester, mental health was measured again. Results: ① AAQ-Ⅱ showed acceptable reliability and construct validation in primary school students. ② Experiential avoidance at the beginning of the term predicted the mental health status at the end of the term, even after controlling for the mental health status at the beginning of the term(β=-0.16,P<0.001). ③ Negative emotions, but not positive emotions, partially mediated the effect of experiential avoidance on mental health(indirect effect=-0.066,Z=-4.65,P<0.001). Conclusion: AAQ-Ⅱ can be applied to primary school students with improvements of related items according to students' language and comprehension abilities. Experiential avoidance is an important factor for students' mental health.


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