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作者:黄彦1 2  谢晓琳2  周晖2 
单位:1. 东莞市虎门外语学校  东莞 523900 
 中山大学心理学系  广州 510006 
关键词:亲子依恋 师生关系 问题行为 


Objective: Parental attachment and teacher-student relationship are two significant factors toward children's developmental and psychological problems. This research aimed to find out the effects of the factors mentioned above on children's behavioral problems. Methods: Together with their mothers and teachers, seven hundred and four children from two primary schools in Dongguan were involved in this research. Children completed the measures of parental attachment and teacher-student relationship, while their mothers and teachers individually evaluated children's behavioral problems. Results: ① Parental attachment and teacher-student relationship were both negatively related with children's behavioral problems. ② Teacher-student relationship moderated the relationship between parent-child attachment andchildren's behavioral problems. Parental attachment was negatively associated with children's behavioral problems at the lower level of teacher-student relationship, but such association was not significant at higher level of teacher-student relationship. Conclusion: Teacher-student relationship enhances the negative effect of parental attachment on children's behavioral problems.


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