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作者:毋嫘1 2  林冰心1 2 
单位:1. 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地天津师范大学心理与行为研究院  天津 300074 
 国民心理健康评估与促进协同创新中心  天津 300074 
关键词:特质焦虑 注意偏向 提示效应 返回抑制 


Objective: To explore the mechanism on attentional bias to negatively emotional information in high traitanxiety individuals. Methods: Cue-target paradigm with two different stimulus onset asynchrony(SOA) was used to examine different performances between high trait-anxiety group and control group with neutral faces and negatively emotional faces as clues. Results: In Experiment 1 with an SOA less than 200ms, there was a cueing effect in high trait-anxiety group only when negatively emotional faces were used as clues before target stimulus; meanwhile, there was a cueing effect in control group when both neutral faces and negatively emotional faces were used as clues before target stimulus. In Experiment 2 with an SOA more than 200ms, there was an effect of Inhibition of Return in high trait-anxiety group when neutral faces were used as clues, whereas such effect of Inhibition of Return was undermined in high trait-anxiety group when negatively emotional faces were used as clues. On the contrary, there was a cueing effect in high trait-anxiety group when negatively emotional faces were used as clues. There was an effect of Inhibition of Return in control group when both neutral faces and negatively emotional faces were used as clues. Conclusion: The finding of a cueing effect in high trait-anxiety group with negatively emotional faces as clues when SOA was short suggests attentional facilitation towards negatively emotional information in high trait-anxiety individuals., while that of a cueing effect instead of Inhibition of Return in high traitanxiety group with negatively emotional faces as clues when SOA was long suggests their difficulties in attention disengagement from negatively emotional information in high trait-anxiety individuals.


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