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作者:李森1  刘盼盼2  张登浩1 
单位:1. 中国人民大学心理学系  北京 100872 
 河北师范大学心理系  石家庄 050000 
关键词:共同受排斥 单独受排斥 基本需要 相互认识范式 


Objective: To explore the different damages to basic needs between participants excluded with cotargets and excluded alone. Methods: Experiment 1 and experiment 2 adopted the imagine paradigm and get-acquainted paradigm respectively to activate social exclusion, and four basic needs were measured with Basic Needs Questionnaire. In experiment 3, we further compared the differences between being excluded with a stranger and excluded with an acquaintance using get-acquainted paradigm as experiment 2. Results: Experiment 1 verified that relative to being excluded alone, participants excluded with others had significantly higher scores in the sense of belonging and meaningful existence, but the differences in self-esteem and control were not significant; Experiment 2 demonstrated that it damaged less to all of the four basic needs when excluded with a cotarget than excluded alone; In experiment 3, the results showed that acquaintances can better alleviate the damage to the sense of belonging and meaningful existence, but not the self-esteem and control. Conclusion: Being excluded with a cotarget can alleviate the damage to fundamental needs, and this effect is more apparent when individuals are excluded with an acquaintance.


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