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作者:曲文祥  高隽 
单位:复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院心理学系  上海 200433 
关键词:催眠 文献回顾 问卷调查 态度 


Objective: Using two studies to investigate and compare the cognition and attitude towards hypnosis between Chinese public and professionals. Methods: Study1 analyzed the content of the literatures about hypnosis in the past decade; Study2 used the questionnaire to investigate and compare the possible misunderstanding about hypnosis in 172 general people and 50 professionals. Results: Study1 found that the definition of hypnosis quoted by professional literature could be divided into ‘Process-oriented’ or ‘State-oriented’ versions. Outcome studies mainly explored the efficacy of hypnosis using group counseling format(with topics such as promoting self-development and decreasing anxiety) or case study (with topics such as bulimia, sleep disorders and others). There were two major misunderstandings in popular literature when defining the hypnosis. Study2 found that the general public group demonstrated low correct rate on 1/3 of the questions and had lower correct rate than professional participants on half of the items. Conclusion: The general public hold four kinds of misunderstandings about hypnosis. For professionals, they have more correct attitudes towards hypnosis but also demonstrate certain misunderstandings similar to the general public.


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