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作者:刘栋  叶宝娟  郭少阳  金鑫 
单位:江西师范大学心理学院  南昌 330027 
关键词:主动性人格 感知创业价值 创业意向 中介 


Objective: To explore the relationship among proactive personality, perceived value of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention in college students. Methods: A sample of 832 college students was recruited in the study to complete proactive personality questionnaire, entrepreneurial intention questionnaire and perceived value of entrepreneurship questionnaire. Results: ① Proactive personality was positively correlated with perceived value of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention. ② Proactive personality and perceived value of entrepreneurship positively predicted entrepreneurial intention. ③ Perceived value of entrepreneurship partially mediated the effect of proactive personality on entrepreneurial intention. Conclusion: Proactive personality not only has directly influence on entrepreneurial intention in college students, but also indirectly influenced entrepreneurial intention through perceived value of entrepreneurship.


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