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作者:吴秋霞1  陈淑宝1  罗小阳2  齐畅1  龙江1  熊一凡1  何浩宇1  王绪轶1  廖艳辉1  郝伟1  刘铁桥1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所  国家精神心理疾病临床研究中心  精神疾病诊疗技术工程实验室  湖南省精神病学与精神卫生重点实验室  长沙 410011 
 湖南省衡阳市第一精神病医院  衡阳 421002 
关键词:广泛性焦虑障碍 综合医院 非精神科医师 精神卫生知识 知晓 

目的:了解湖南省两市综合医院非精神科医师对广泛性焦虑障碍知识的知晓情况。方法:采用案例分析法在长沙及衡阳两市共6所综合医院内用方便抽样法对374名非精神科医师进行广泛性焦虑障碍(generalized anxiety disorder,GAD)知识调查。结果:受访者对GAD的正确识别率为31.8%。工作和经济困难、近期的创伤性事件以及日常矛盾被认为是最常见的3个致病原因。86.0%的受访者认为亲密家人的帮助、多从事户外体育锻炼等非主流治疗措施有益。多与外界交流学习被认为是最有益的治疗措施。49.2%的受访者认为不接受专业治疗病情会恶化。结论:综合医院非精神科医师对GAD知识的知晓存在多方面不足,提高精神卫生知识知晓率势在必行。

Objective: To evaluate the knowledge and perception of generalized anxiety disorder of non-psychiatric doctors in general hospitals. Methods: The survey adopted a cluster convenience sampling method in six general hospitals. A total of 374 respondents participated in the survey. Respondents were presented with a case vignette describing a person with symptoms of general anxiety disorder. Results: The percentage of GAD diagnosis was 31.8%. The factors most often rated as likely to cause GAD were job or financial difficulties, traumatic events and daily-life problems. More than 86.0% of respondents rated non-medical interventions including help from close family and physical exercise as beneficial for GAD, in particular, inter-personal interaction was rated as the most helpful intervention. Only 49.2% of respondents considered patient would get worse if having no professional treatment. Conclusion: Non-psychiatric doctors in general hospitals have poor knowledge and often miss diagnosis on GAD, it is necessary to improve mental health literacy about GAD.


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