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作者:高艳平1  董毅1 2  耿峰2  朱道民2  岳君思1  谢思思2  穆菁菁2  谢军2  高莉玲2  方文梅2  汪凯1 
单位:1. 安徽医科大学医学心理学系  合肥 230032 
 安徽省精神卫生中心  合肥 230032 
关键词:自我怜悯 快感缺失 精神症状 精神分裂症 


Objective: To explore the characteristics of self-compassion and its relationship with anhedonia in schizophrenic patients. Methods: 179 schizophrenic patients and 192 healthy subjects were assessed with the Chinese Version of Revised Self-Compassion Scale(SCS-C), the Chinese Version of Revised Social Anhedonia Scale(RSAS-C), and the Chinese Version of Revised Physical Anhedonia Scale(RPAS-C). Meanwhile schizophrenic patients were assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(PANSS). Results: Schizophrenic patients had lower total score of SCS-C and the subscores of self-kind, common humanity and mindfulness compared to the healthy subjects. The scores of RSAS-C and RPAS-C in patient group were higher than those of normal group. The SCS-C total score was significantly negatively correlated with RSAS-C score(r=-0.440,P<0.01) and RPAS-C score(r=-0.422,P<0.01). After controlling for BDI score, the relationship between self-compassion and anhedonia remains significant. Conclusion: Patients with schizophrenia have self-compassive deficits, which may contribute to the anhedonia, one of the most prominent negative symptoms in this disorder.


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