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作者:李静1  曹琴1 2  胡小勇1  郭永玉1 
单位:1. 华中师范大学心理学院暨青少年网络心理与行为教育部重点实验室  武汉 430079 
 四川省绵阳中学实验学校  绵阳 621000 
关键词:物质主义 自我控制 网络强迫性购买 大学生 


Objective:The study aimed to explore the effect of materialism on online compulsive buying and the mediat-ing role of self-control in this relationship. Methods:529 college students in Chengdu completed material value scale, selfcontrol scale and the inventory of online compulsive buying. Results:①Materialism was positively correlated with online compulsive buying(r=0.45, P<0.001), and negatively correlated with self-control(r=-0.43, P<0.001). Self-control was nega-tively correlated with online compulsive buying(r=-0.49, P<0.001). ②Regression analysis indicated that the mediating ef-fect of self-control between materialism and online compulsive buying was significant, and the proportion of the mediating effect was 34.40%. Conclusion:Materialism may increase online compulsive buying tendency, and self-control serves as a partial mediating role between materialism and online compulsive buying.


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