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作者:琚晓燕1  方晓义2  李晓敏2 
单位:1. 中国青年政治学院社会工作学院  北京 100089 
 北京师范大学发展心理研究所  北京 100875 
关键词:夫妻互动 问题解决 社会支持 观察研究 


Objective:To examine the main effect and interactive effect of topic solicit role and context on new couples' interaction behaviors. Methods:106 newlywed couples were videoed when they discuss two problem solving and two social support topics in lab. IFIRS has been used to code couples' behaviors. Results:①As a whole, wives had more negative behaviors than husbands, and husbands had less positive involvement than wives. ②For husbands, they had more positive emotions and more positive involvement when their own problem solving topic was discussed. For wives, they had more posi-tive emotions and more positive involvement when their husbands' topics was discussed regardless of contexts. Conclusion:Topic context and topic solicit role have main and interactive effect on couples' interaction behaviors.


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