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作者:曹立智  迟立忠 
单位:北京体育大学运动心理学教研室  北京 100084 
关键词:运动员 网络成瘾 群体凝聚力 社会支持 中介效应 


Objective:To investigate the relationship between group cohesion, social support and internet addiction in athletes. Methods:A sample of 333 athletes from a sport university was recruited in the study to complete Chinese Internet Addiction Scale Revision, Group Environment Questionnaire and Perceived Available Support in Sport Questionnaire. Results:①The incidence of internet addiction among athletes in this study was 5.71%. ②Both group cohesion and social sup-port were negatively correlated to internet addiction, and group cohesion was positively associated with social support. ③ Group cohesion had not only a direct negative effect on internet addiction, but also an indirect effect through social support. Conclusion:This result showed that social support played a partial mediating effect in the relationship between group cohe-sion and internet addiction in athletes.


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