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作者:李玲艳1  李诗晨1  王瑜萍1 2  杨玉玲1 3  朱熊兆1 
单位:1. 中南大学湘雅二医院医学心理学研究所  长沙 410011 
 西安交通大学人文社会科学学院  西安 710049 
 广州市精神病医院  广州 510170 
关键词:乳腺癌 神经质 生活质量 认知应对 


Objective:To examine the mediating effects of cognitive coping on the relationship between neuroticism and quality of Life in females with breast cancer. Methods:Six hundred and thirty-eight female inpatients with breast cancer completed the simplified NEO Five-Factor Inventory-Neuroticism Subscale, the Chinese version of Cognitive Emotion Reg-ulation Questionnaire and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast scale. Results:①The scores on quality of life, neuroticism, cognitive coping were significantly correlated with each other. ②The mediating effects of adaptive cogni-tive coping and maladaptive cognitive coping between neuroticism and quality of life were 22.55% and 34.32% respective-ly. Conclusion:Cognitive coping is an important mediator of neuroticism and quality of life among women with breast can-cer.


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