Objective:To revise the Chinese version of HIV/AIDS Stress Scale(CSS-HIV), and test its reliability and va-lidity in people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA), and assess its applicability in the Chinese cultural context. Methods:A to-tal of 376 registered PLWHA in Central South Area were recruited by consecutive sampling. The Chinese version of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale(CSS-HIV), Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ-9), Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale(GAD-7) were used to collect information. The item analyses were applied to examine the discrimination of items. Construct validity, criterion validity, discriminant validity were used to evaluate the validity of the CSS-HIV. Split-half reliability, test-retest reliability, Cronbach α coefficient were used to evaluate its reliability. Results:①According to the results of the item anal-ysis, 22 items were retained.②The results of exploratory factor analysis showed that the CSS-HIV consisted of three factor, and the total variance explained 55.359%, and the scale had twenty-two-factor model with better fitting indexes of confir-matory factor analysis, χ2/df=3.066, CFI=0.892, GFI=0.866, NFI=0.849, IFI=0.893, RMSEA=0.074. Patients who had HIVrelated symptoms had significantly higher scores than the asymptomatic patients. The correlation coefficients of CSS-HIV with PHQ-9 and GAD-7 were 0.706 and 0.703. ③The split-half reliability was 0.884, the test-retest reliability was 0.845, and the internal consistency coefficient was 0.932. Conclusion:The Chinese version of the HIV/AIDS Stress Scale has good reliability and validity, which can be used to evaluate the stress of PLWHA in China.
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