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作者:胡月1  樊富珉2  戴艳军3  崔宁4  赵晓威5 
单位:1. 大连理工大学心理健康教育与咨询中心  大连 116024 
 清华大学心理学系  北京 100084 
 大连理工大学人文与社会科学学部  大连 116024 
 吉林医药学院人文社科部  吉林 132013 
 大连理工大学研究生院  大连 116024 
关键词:生命价值观 生活事件 自杀意念 中介效应 调节效应 


Objective: To explore the mediating and moderating roles of life values in the relationship between life events and suicide ideation in college students.Methods: 4120 college students were recruited to complete the Adolescent Self-rating Life Events Check List(ASLEC), College Students' life value Questionnaire(CSLVQ) and Scale for Suicide Ideation(SIOSS).Results: The result showed that the life events was significantly negatively correlated with suicide ideation(r=-0.226, P<0.01) and college life values(r=-0.137, P<0.01), whereas the scores of college life values was significantly positively correlated with suicide ideation(r=0.488, P<0.01).Suicidal ideation group were significantly higher than those without suicidal ideation group in each dimension of life events, but lower on various dimensions of life values.Further analysis found that life values functioned as a partial mediator and moderator between life events and suicidal ideation.Conclusion: Promoting positive life values may be beneficial to mitigate and reduce suicidal ideation in college students.


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