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作者:李晓玉1 2  高冬东1  乔红晓1 
单位:1. 河南大学心理与行为研究所  开封 475004 
 河南大学哲学与公共管理学院  开封 475004 
关键词:新生代农民工 心理安全感 信度 效度 

目的:探索新生代农民工心理安全感的结构并编制问卷。方法:通过访谈、开放性问卷调查、文献检索形成问卷的初始项目,在预测的基础上,采用自编问卷对被试进行施测,得到有效问卷1218份。用一般自我效能感量表进行效标效度检验。选取53名新生代农民工间隔2周进行重测。结果:新生代农民工心理安全感由把握未来、满意现在、归属认同、感知支持4因素构成,共解释总变异的69.966%;4因素模型在验证性因素分析中得到了较好的验证。问卷总分及4个因素得分与一般自我效能感量表总分显著正相关(0.280~0.369)。总问卷的Cronbach α系数为0.924,4个因素的Cronbach α系数为0.810~0.870。总问卷的分半信度为0.872,4个因素的分半信度为0.814~0.868。总问卷的重测信度为0.869,4个因素的重测信度为0.692~0.740。结论:新生代农民工心理安全感由四个因素构成,信度效度符合心理测量学要求,可用于相关的研究和实践。

Objective: To develop a questionnaire to explore the structure of the new generation migrant workers' psychological security.Methods: Through interviews, open questionnaires and literatures review form initial project questionnaire from 1218 migrant workers.The General Self-efficacy Scale were used to test its criterion validity.The test-retest reliability was tested in 53 new generation migrant workers 2 weeks later.Results: EFA showed that the structure of the new generation migrant workers' psychological security was composed of four factors:holding future, satisfied current, belonging and identity, perceived support, explaining the total variance 69.966%.The results of CFA showed that the 4-factor model fitted the data well.The questionnaire and its factors' scores were positively correlated with the General Self-efficacy Scale scores(0.280~0.369).The Cronbach's α coefficient of the total questionnaire was 0.924, and 0.810~0.870 for the 4 factors.The split-half reliability of the total questionnaire was 0.872, and 0.814~0.868 for the 4 factors.The test-re-test reliability of the total questionnaire was 0.869, and 0.692~0.740 for the 4 factors.Conclusion: The new generation mi-grant workers' psychological security was composed of four factors, the questionnaire meets the needs of psychometrics, which can be used in both research and practice.


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