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作者:党清秀  李英  张宝山 
单位:陕西师范大学心理学院  西安 710062 
关键词:人际关系 抑郁 自尊 性别 


Objective: To explore the relationship between different types of relationships(opposite-sex peer relation-ships, same-sex peer relationships, parent-child relationships, teacher-student relationship) and depression, and the impacts of self-esteem and gender on the relationship were also examined.Methods: A sample of 1614 adolescents completed the interpersonal scale(IRS), the short version of Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D-13) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale(RSES).Results: ①Self-esteem played not only a mediating, but also a moderating role, be-tween the different types of relationships and adolescent depression.②In the mediation model of self-esteem, gender moderated the relationship between parent-child relationship and adolescent depression, and the relationship between teacher-student relationships and adolescent depression.Conclusion: Interpersonal relationship exerts direct effects and indirect effects through self-esteem on depression in adolescents.Further, gender has a moderating effect on this mediating relation-ship.


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